Welcome to CrossKick Atoka Fitness Center

For 10 years and 10 months CK Kickboxing and Fitness has been unlocking the door to new potential every day…..Together we have lost thousands of inches and pounds, but more incredibly together we have been able to not only build a fitness community but also pour back into our local communities every month since May 2013.

•The last day for 9am classes will be February 16, 2024.
•The night classes & 4am will transition shortly after.
•Jiu Jitsu community, we will continue to work just with a new view.

Surely you will have questions about your accounts, don’t fear….We are already working with our processing company to wrap that up for you. We hope to make this transition as easy as possible.

For those who had been considering trying ck fitness or kickboxing, or for those who have been away but would like a few more kicks before the door is closed - COME ON. Beginning February 1, 2024 until the last class you will have an option to pay per class or make a donation of the following to cover your class.

Thank you for trusting us and the process for so many years.

Help us keep the GOOD in Goodbye. Class donations in leiu of payment, to be donated to our local schools:
•new packages of youth underwear (male & female)
•new packages of youth and adult socks (male & female)
•snack pack donations (individually packed snacks that are easily opened by children)

CrossKick Atoka Fitness Center

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Youth and Adults Ages 5+
Atoka Tennessee Crosskick Fitness Center No Gi Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes for adults and youth


Not only will martial arts improve your self-defense skills, but it will also lead to muscle toning, weight loss, and better physical condition.



Learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and gain the ability to defend yourself by using leverage, joint locks, and chokeholds. You will learn how to reverse situations and overcome any adversary, regardless of your size or strength.

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Prepare to take part in a life-changing experience with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This martial art challenges you to push beyond your limits and develop your physical and mental strength. By embracing this journey, you will cultivate unbreakable resilience.

Check Out Our Monthly Schedule

Looking for more feedback from our happy customers? Check out our customer testimonials by clicking here.
What people are saying about CrossKick Atoka Fitness Center


Ready to Join Our Team?



CrossKick Atoka








245 Commercial Dr, Atoka, TN 38004

We would love to have you visit us today!